Physical education
Years 1-2 PE Plans
Get PE sorted this year with these essential set of PE plans! Enjoy 36 pre-prepared and easy-to-follow lessons and provide teachers and children of any ability a cracking time. Each lesson includes a warm up, input, activity time and warm down - with only the most basic equipment required. There are loads of fun games, races, performances and skill development included. Make PE the highlight of every week!
Download the full scheme at:
Years 5-6 PE Plans
Get PE sorted this year with these essential set of PE plans! Enjoy 36 pre-prepared and easy-to-follow lessons and provide teachers and children of any ability a cracking time. Each lesson includes a warm up, input, activity time and warm down - with only the most basic equipment required. There are loads of fun games, races, performances and skill development included. Make PE the highlight of every week!
Dowload the full scheme at:
Years 3-4 PE Plans
Get PE sorted this year with these essential set of PE plans! Enjoy 36 pre-prepared and easy-to-follow lessons and provide teachers and children of any ability a cracking time. Each lesson includes a warm up, input, activity time and warm down - with only the most basic equipment required. There are loads of fun games, races, performances and skill development included . Make PE the highlight of every week!
Download the full scheme at: